Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Unfulfilled Dreams

     Well, to go along with the last post, one thing that I have always secretly wanted to do was to be a dancer. I think they are so graceful and elegant and beautiful. I was given the chance to live my dream when I was 5 years old! What a wonderful opportunity for a wee little youngster like me to take 2 weeks of free classes at the local high school to become a world famous dancer! YES! All of my dreams were about to come true! I was going to be the best! I was going to be the most graceful! I was going to be the most flexible and talented dancer of them all!!
     When we bent down to touch our toes in the butterfly pose, I always had a huge smile on my face as I pictured a butterfly smelling my stinky feet. My Plie's were always the deepest and most exaggerated and my relevets were always on my tippy tip toes reaching with all of my heart to the sky.
     Little did I know that my dance career would be cut short because of a dumb leotard. Yeah. Did you know that it is very difficult to get out of a leotard when you have to pee? And even worse, it's not fun to miss the dancing part of the lesson because you have to pee. I just didn't want to ask to go because I would rather dance than spend 10 minutes getting out of my leotard, then peeing, then another 10 minutes getting back in my leotard. I would have missed the entire lesson!!!
     I don't know what happened, but next thing you know, I was dancing in a puddle of pee. It was all so traumatic, it is kind of a blur right now. Well, everybody just freaked out and so I started to cry because then I realized that "Oh, maybe I should be embarrassed at what just happened" and then I was dragged out of the room so they could and clean me off. And just as I thought I would get over that humiliation, they dragged me back into the room with all of the other girls while they all watched me clean up my own puddle of urine. Why couldn't my little self just be allowed to dance? I don't know. Well, that's pretty much it.
     Because of the trauma of that whole situation, I have officially given up dancing. I did try again in high school and epically failed, so I will just appreciate dancing and leave it to the pros. And now, I can pee without worrying about if I'm going to miss an important dance lesson. I feel so much freer now. Yay!

Have any of your dreams been cut short because of an embarrassing moment?


  1. Oh dear! They need to make leotards with butt flaps...

    1. You know, that's a brilliant idea!!! You should invent them and make millions!!!

  2. I love that they made a public example of you so they could send a powerful message to all young dancers about peeing etiquette.

    1. How was I supposed to know that peeing my pants in public was unacceptable? But, you are right, because of me, everybody else didn't have to learn that the hard way.
